產品名稱: DISCO刀片Dicing Blade
精密刀片 Dicing Blade我們銷售日本DISCO各種不同系列的精密刀片 (Dicing Blade),適合需要有高精度、高切割品質的各種硬、脆或非鐵系金屬等材料,如半導體產業的矽晶片、LED產業的Ⅲ、Ⅴ族化合物(GaAs、GaP...等)、光學產業的玻璃、通信產業的石英、LiNBO3及其它像是陶瓷、PCB或是復合材料BGA、QFN等精密切割。並有專門人員可協助尋找適合的刀片及切割參數,以 幫助貴公司 化生產產能及切割品質。★NBC-ZH Series, Electroformed Bond Blades with HUB 電鍍型刀片 Application: silicon, compound semiconductor wafers (GaAs, etc), CSP and zirconium ★NBC-Z Series, Electroformed Bond Blades
電鍍型刀片軟刀 Application: silicon, compound semiconductor wafers (GaAs, etc), CSP and zirconium. ★A1A/K1A Series, Metal Bond/Resin Bond Blades with Steel Core 金屬結合劑/樹脂結合劑刀片,內芯金屬 Application: Various types of glass, crystals and composite materials ★B1A Series, Metal Bond Blades 金屬結合劑刀片 Application: Electronic and optical devices, semiconductor packages, ceramics, single crystal ferrite and various types of glass ★P1A Series, Resin Bond Blades 樹脂結合劑刀片 Application: Glass, crystal, quartz, semiconductor packages and ceramics